The Friends of the OPL awards an average of $200K in grants to the Oakland Public Library each year.
Thank you to our members, donors, The Bookmark Bookstore customers, volunteers, and book donors for making these grants possible!
Photo by Doug Zimmerman
in grants was awarded to OPL in FY 2022-2023 for Branch Services/ AAMLO, OPL Administration, Teen Services, Community Relations, Adult Services/Outreach, and Children's Services.

Photo by Doug Zimmerman
Branch Services/AAMLO - $66,500
This grant supports every OPL location and pays for programming, facility improvements, film licensing for public movie screenings, and extra funding for branches in high-priority neighborhoods. A special grant to the African American Museum and Library of Oakland (AAMLO) funds programs, exhibits, and equipment.

Photo by Doug Zimmerman
OPL Administration - $48,600
Administrative grants allow OPL to provide refreshments at staff meetings, participate in recruiting events, and organize staff trainings. This grant also includes the annual Friends of the OPL scholarship, a competitive award open to OPL staff pursuing a master’s degree in Library and Information Science.

Photo by Doug Zimmerman
Teen Services - $39,500
Teen Services grants pay for speaker honorariums, craft supplies, after-school snacks, teen furnishings, video game equipment, summer program prizes, the scholarship award for the Oakland Youth Poet Laureate program, teen volunteer appreciation efforts, and more.

Photo by Doug Zimmerman
Community Relations - $30,400
Friends of the OPL support allows OPL’s Community Relations team to document and promote all that the library offers. These grants pay for photography services, the design of OPL’s annual report, social media advertising, and promotional items for library outreach events.

Photo by Doug Zimmerman
Adult Services/Outreach - $29,000
These grants pay honoraria to authors and speakers at adult programs, Adult Summer Reading program prizes, OPL staff t-shirts, adult outreach supplies, and more.

Photo by Doug Zimmerman
Children's Services - $10,500
Together with other foundations and donors, this grant supports programming for children and families across Oakland. Without it, our most popular programs (i.e. Kids’ Summer Reading, Winter Bingo) wouldn't be possible. These grants also pay for children’s outreach supplies, year-round programming, and The Story Bus.